We are pleased to share that transition of campus units to a common Vacation and Sick Leave (VSL) reporting application is nearly complete. It replaces the patchwork of VSL tracking options that has been in use throughout the University and University System. Adoption of the application also accommodated development of functionality for exempt Civil Service VSL reporting. Once it’s live, more than 1,400 exempt Civil Service employees will use it. We anticipate that wide adoption of a common VSL application should improve the employee experience at all levels.
Employees should refer to the Illinois Human Resources website for information regarding leave reporting. Information will continue to be added to this site, including online tutorials and instructions once the VSL application is live.
- This effort required the cooperation and assistance of many individuals, all facilitated by the Business-IT Collaboration. This major accomplishment was made possible by:
- An agreement between the Grainger College of Engineering and the Provost Office to support application enhancement to meet campus needs
- Tireless efforts of Lori Willoughby and Brandi Pulleyblank to provide the system requirements, documentation, coordination, and business process training
- Complete partnership of Illinois Human Resources and the dedication of the following staff members: Michelle Althaus, Doug Lamb, Cathy Menacher, David Grider and Villy Bangsengthong to make the transition possible
- Willingness of some units to forego their individualized solutions and join forces to support all of campus
- Constructive and enthusiastic discussions and uptake of the application at all levels
- Agreement around a shared governance process for future enhancements
- Since the Business-IT Collaboration is you, please accept our sincere thanks. Let’s all share our gratitude for this significant success.