WebStore: Helping students save money on software

Author: Melissa Sanchez
Melissa is a student employee with Technology Services and is a senior at Illinois majoring in Communications.


What is the WebStore?

The University of Illinois Webstore is an online store run by Technology Services, a part of the Office of the Chief Information Officer, that provides free and reduced-price software to Illinois students, faculty and staff. It was founded in 2001 and offers over 350 different software titles. The focus of the WebStore is saving students’ money and having a safe space to download software necessary for classes. Since its creation, it has saved students and faculty over $275 million.

How to use it

  1. Log in using your university email and password.
  2. Select either personal purchase or bulk purchase. Students will likely only use personal purchases.
  3. Search for a specific product or browse based on the type of software or the operating system you’re working with.
  4. Find software you’d like to purchase, select it, then either follow the instructions in the description or add to cart.
  5. Checkout and follow the instructions to download. You will receive an email with your receipt and instructions, or use the ones on your checkout page. 

Popular Software


  • ABAQUS for Teaching
  • Adobe Creative Cloud  
  • Autodesk for Teaching   
  • Cisco AnyConnect VPN  
  • Esri   
  • LabVIEW for Teaching    
  • Mathematica   
  • MATLAB  
  • Microsoft 365  
  • OriginPro  
  • PTC Creo   
  • Qualtrics   
  • Zoom  


  • ABAQUS  
  • Ansys   
  • Autodesk   
  • ChemOffice  
  • COMSOL  
  • EndNote  
  • LabVIEW  
  • NVivo   
  • SAS  
  • SPSS  
  • Tableau   
  • Tecplot   
  • Stata   
  • SYSTAT  
  • SigmaPlot