Access Files from Deactivated Box Accounts

We’re here to help you access files from U of I Box accounts that were deactivated between February 10 and 11. The deadline to reactivate a deactivated Box account is Tuesday, May 13.

If you need to access a folder or file from someone whose Box account was deactivated, start by contacting your local IT support for assistance. The Help Desks page lists many university help desks who can support you through this process.

We can help you!

When the account is reactivated, the folder structure, collaborator access and sharing links are reinstated. If you were a collaborator, you can now copy or move the folders/files to an alternate location, like a Box team folder or folder that you own.

Box accounts that are not reactivated by Tuesday, May 13 cannot be accessed and any files that might have been shared will no longer be accessible. Any data belonging to the accounts will be placed into a temporary holding location, which can still be recovered.

Information about migrating data is available in this KnowledgeBase article

  • Changing ownership can only be done when the owner of the file/folder no longer works at the university and cannot grant permissions. Please complete the Request for Access Form. Note that this form requires signatures from an Executive Director as explained in the KnowledgeBase article. Your local IT can assist you if you have questions.
  • A file can only have one owner. Being co-owner will not prevent the folder/file from being deleted when the owner account is deactivated.
  • More details on Transferring Folder Ownership is available in this Box article

Additional information

  • Data will be kept in an archive for 6 months after an account is deleted in case you discover something missing.
  • When a deleted account has been reactivated, the files owned by the account become accessible again and the sharing links point to those files will function once more.
  • Details about U of I Box account deactivations can be found in this KnowledgeBase article

Have questions?

If you or your customers have further questions, please contact us by emailing