Training Opportunities

Technology Services is committed to helping people better understand how to use technology. We offer a wide variety of training opportunities:

Training services

Training Services provides opportunities for faculty, staff, students, retirees and members of the community to acquire technology skills and knowledge through scheduled classes or customized training These courses feature hands-on instruction and activities with experienced trainers. Training is offered on a variety of software such as Skype for Business, Microsoft Office Suite, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign and many more.

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Explore and Register for Training Courses

Online training from LinkedInLearning

The University of Illinois provides free access to for faculty, staff and students. LinkedInLearning, formerly is widely recognized as an industry leader in online learning. Their library of online tutorials contains over 1,000+ courses and 73,000+ tutorials organized by subject, software and instructors. Topics covered include how to use major software suites (Microsoft Office, Adobe, Google Apps), as well as courses in web publishing, analytics, video editing, audio editing, professional skills development, creativity and a variety of other topics. By using your University of Illinois NetID, students, faculty and staff will get free access to the full library of content. 

Log in to LinkedInLearning to get started.

Classroom technology training

Technology Services provides individual, in-person training on equipment provided in many technology-enhanced classrooms. Training is brief (generally twenty minutes in length) and covers how to use computers (installed PCs and laptops, tablets and other devices), projectors and document cameras to present information. 

Request a training session